I Am Legend

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Robert Neville was incurable and man-made support to the spread of the virus under control was terrible scientist. Neville is currently in New York City would be the last man to survive and remain perhaps the world is immune to reason. Three years, the other survivors, Neville daily radio messages, desperate to be true. But he is not alone. Mutant victims of epidemics - infections - lurk in the shadows ... Neville in detail each step that he wait for a fatal error. Perhaps mankind's last best hope, Neville has only one left, is driven by the mission: his immune blood to find the effect of anti-virus methods. But he knows that he is inferior. You do not have enough time soon.

In my case, or that are the future, but some post-apocalyptic movie set or a man of his time in the case of man accused? Not much would you expect? Anyway, as scary zombie / virus and other film-to-fail epic thriller genre after years of frustration with "I Am Legend" are really separate himself from the group.
Without giving too much way, Will Smith plays a sole survivor of a world dominating virus created by man that was originally created to cure cancer. Three years into the "new" world, Smith (who was a former doctor) dedicates his life to survival, finding a cure....and talking to mannequins. In order to find a cure he seeks out the infected, who only come out at night, and hoping to correct man's mistake.
"Legend" was the first truly scary movie I've seen in some time. Realism is the main factor in scary movies in my opinion. If it can happen, than that's pretty scary. Also, Smith's portrayal of despair and borderline insanity of three years of seclusion added to the effect. With the exception of his dog, Smith had no live contact with constant failure attempts of his cure only leading to his insanity. It had a "Cast Away" feel to it with his dog as to Hank's volleyball and his house reminding you of that stranded island.
The action/suspense scenes coupled with superb sound direction were also heart pounding and unexpected which added to the "scare" factor. Whenever Smith engaged with the zombie-like survivors, there was that claustrophobic feeling that I haven't felt since "Alien." My only real complaint was the overuse of CGI over real actors for these characters, but with their speed and strength that these things showed if may have not been possible.
"Legend" overall is one of the better movies of 2007 and a must see. Not Oscar-worthy by any stretch of the imagination, but it's certainly entertaining, realistically tense and maybe even thought provoking.
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