Underworld: Evolution

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Underworld: Evolution is the story of the war between vampires and Lycans. The beautiful vampire heroine Selene film, and Michael, Lycan's hybrid of ancient feudbetween two tribes, dating back to the beginning of the secrets of their bloodlines'llexplain. It finally 仙 need of her penalty to put the end to fight all the wars that are running their action, intrigue and forbidden love is a contemporary story.

The movie is all in all too much full of contradictions and suffering from a faulty script to be even remotely interesting. A grand example is how Markus, the other hybrid, gains Selene's memories when drinking her blood. Speedman's character also does that, but yet, we see no sign of him experiencing the same. Or, how it is explained that Markus, the first vampire, becomes a hybrid simply by drinking lycan blood since he is a Corvinous. Should not his brother William, the first lycan, then also have become a hybrid when killing and eating vampires (as it looks like he did plentiful)? Or my favorite, when Michael turns out to be wanted by the police as a dangerous criminal, despite that he to my recollection did absolutely nothing that would warrant that in the first movie, as well that while Selene cannot take being stabbed in the shoulder without passing out (first movie), a shot in the gut only makes her angry.
I also find it quite irritating that up until the release, there were many things speaking for a return or at least small featuring of Michael Sheen's character Lucian, who also was a favorite for many; to have it all ending with what seems like a double in a body bag. The actor's state as the lead's (Beckinsale) ex, who is now also married to Wiseman, offers a rather discouraging explanation for this. 
The violence is gory and unnecessary, the action scenes badly filmed and confusing and the gracious nudity just tasteless. Wiseman has some incredible talent with making movies look good, but he should in my opinion keep away from the script and contract Grevioux again for the next movie, if there is one, and see if he can salvage what is left from this mess.
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